Why it’s Time to Forgive Cyberpunk 2077

by Adam Smith

As the kind of person who often tries to avoid pre-release chatter and opinion for video games, Cyberpunk 2077 was something of an anomaly: it quite simply demanded attention throughout its outstanding marketing campaign. But, for the exact reason I try to dodge previews and reviews ahead of actually playing something myself – getting to experience the video game without preconception or bias – Cyberpunk pulled out Johnny Silverhand’s Malorian Arms 3516 pistol and shot themselves in the foot.

But we’re not here today to talk about the game’s downfalls or the awful conditions and circumstances under which these talented developers had to toil – everything that can be said about those factors has been said already. But instead, I want to speak to why Cyberpunk 2077 is – and always was – worth your time, and why it’s time to give it a second chance.

Read my in-depth thoughts and review over on Robot Republic.

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